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United pilots say poor training is safety issue

Any truth to this or just hype? ( 기타...

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Just union BS.
Imaging trying to figure out the online bidding system while enroute to MSP... If these so called professionals allow a change in procedure to cause them to stop flying the airplane to fly the company procedure then maybe they should go back to the single pilot IFR world where you are forced to fly the airplane above all else.
Bob Ziehm 0
Good points
John Hale 0
sounds like the pilots had there head in the " dark " to be nice.
preacher1 0
I gots a stupid question? If this is all about United Pilots, how come the picture in the article shows all AA planes???????????????
That's what I was going to ask! Maybe its hinting after Smisek combines UA and CO, he will try and also combine AA to United LOL!
Probably like in the movies when the DC 3 is diving and you hear a jet engine.


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