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FlightAware's latest API improvements - Australia, Airline Details, Push Alerts, JSON

FlightAware's API for software developers now includes Australian data, details on airline flights, push alerts (via HTTP callback), a JSON interface, and more! If you're a software developer or want to incorporate FlightAware data into a custom application, check out FlightXML today. ( 기타...

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Well done, tracked VAU 12 from LAX into MEL and even witnessed ATC making their final 30 mins of flight hard with zig zags all over Victoria.
Very nice. I can't wait for them to add Asia and Europe.
Love this program I use it on my Iphone as well.
Pat Crowe 1
But why is the map 30 minutes or so behind the details in the text?
Not sure, perhaps a legal thing so no one can pin point and aim a missile at??
Antiaircraft missiles rely on direct detection of a target. Shoulder-launched missiles are used on targets that can be seen by the operator.


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