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Big day in Chucktown

Boeing's first Carolina built 787 rolling out today in huge ceremony. ( 기타...

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I love going by the factory when i am down there to look at how big the plant is is just amazing. I remember i went down there about 5 months ago and one of the ANA planes was there and that was a cool sight. Also being there when the 787 came from the Paris airshow, Boeing had them make a special visit to Charleston, now i have the chance to tell my kids (when I'm old enough to have kids) that i saw the first 787 come into Charleston.
sparkie624 2
Wow, nice job South Carolina... Keep up the good work.
From "dirt to rollout" in 2-1/2 years. Yeah, we "got 'er done"!
Apologies accepted from all the nattering nabobs of negativism.
Asked what it was like to lead a non-union workforce as opposed to the unionized teams at other Boeing sites, Geary said his South Carolina group “has more spirit” than any he’s been a part of.
preacher1 2
Ain't that special. Southern boys know how to speak for themselves without having to have somebody do it for them and realize that their paycheck comes from the company they work for. IMHO.LOL
preacher1 1
Come to the Southland, gang. Whether or not anybody realizes it, all these folks down here ain't dumb hillbillies and some have made quite a bit of money, ala Mr. Walton & Mr. Hunt as well as Mr. Tyson.
Easy Wayne, they might actually all come down here!
Did you also know that the standard shipping container and refrigeration are also "southern" inventions?
preacher1 2
I always heard that the difference between a yankee and a damn yankee was that ay ankee would go home but the other one wouldn't.LOL


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