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Inside United Airlines' Network Operations Center

United Airlines gave the media a sneak peek Monday at its new network operations center housed on the 27th floor of Willis Tower in Chicago. The center runs 24 hours a day, seven days a week with employees overseeing about 5,600 United and United Express flights a day. The center opened in late May, combining operations centers from Houston and the Chicago suburb of Elk Grove Village. ( 기타...

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SootBox 0
Looking over Chicago from north to south, I couldn't have picked a worse location myself.
I'm sure the allure of downtown, coupled with the fact that within 5 blocks of Willis Tower you have access to Chicago Union Station, the Eisenhower Expy, and Kennedy/Dan Ryan Expy, not to mention a Blue Line El stop that can take you to ORD if need be had something to do with it.


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