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Boeing installs first Aeroloft sleeping area

If you’re rich, you fly in a small private jet. If you’re a head of state, however, you might opt for your own 747. Nine such customers have already done so, each purchasing a Boeing Business Jet (BBJ) 747-8 from Boeing. Yesterday, the company delivered the first BBJ 747-8 to sport a new optional extra – an eight-person sleeping area, called the Aeroloft. ( 기타...

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This looks like a crew rest area. I'm sure that on a private 747 there are lavish private staterooms with en-suite bathrooms.
Chuck Me 2
That would be my guess. The aircraft just delivered and isn't supposed to enter service until 2014. So they have a year or so to get the VIP interior done. I assume this is just a factory installed option.
If you happen to own a 747-8 BBJ, wouldn't at least some of that space be for sleeping areas already? Or was there just not enough space to begin with?
Wow talk about traveling in style.


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