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Chaos at United

United's flight 1540 was supposed to depart this morning at 6am, but the flight attendants failed to arrive. Gate agents announced that they overselpt, but are now on the way. That was at 6:30 this morning. We still haven't taken off. Pilots and flight attendants say they had almost no notice that their schedules had changed to operate the 6am flight. The captain said he was supposed to be flying to Las Vegas until the last minute reroute occurred. Flight attendants stated they were… ( 기타...

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Really! Seriously? Really!
Really and really seriously. It is amazing that United is so anxious to talk about their world class sushi and the half a billion they are investing in gadgets and trinkets. If they can't do the most basic things, coordinating scheduling and getting their passengers where they paid to go...they are a complete waste of time. To add insult to the passengers, after the flight was ready to push, they combined another and wasted another hour. This 6am flight departed at 9:14am. I can forgive the first 2 hours, but the last showed zero regard for the passengers. I think everyone shoud be aware of the type of judgement United managers exercise. And this travel site is exactly where the traveling public can learn of such practices. United does not deserve the faith of the traveling public.


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