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Boeing Winnipeg announces site expansion and 737 MAX work

Boeing Canada Winnipeg has announced plans to increase its Murray Park Road manufacturing site by more than 22 percent, primarily to house new composites work for Boeing's 737 MAX airplane. The building will be expanded by 14,000 square metres (150,000 square feet) to a total of 62,000 square metres (665,000 square feet) of manufacturing space. It will be used mainly to construct the one-piece composite acoustic inner barrel on the newly designed engine nacelle inlet for the 737 MAX. ( 기타...

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dardav 3
Good for Boeing Canada Winnipeg. A friend of mine who had struggled with jobs was hired by wpg Boeing years ago, and it's been a win win.
Agreed, great for that economy and so pleased that production parts has not sailed off to china (yet)


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