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Airbus A320 (Wizzair) crash landed today in Fiumicino,Rome

An airplane belonging to Wizzair (Airbus A320-232) travelling from Bucharest to Rome, was forced to make an emergency landing on Fiumicino airport from Rome. ( 기타...

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It is called crash landing... no crash at all ...
but you cannot refer to it as simple landing when half of the landing gear is not working.
So the title is correct . Emergency landing , crash landed... no drama at all.
teutz new photos added. please like!
Pileits 0
why do some readers here have to refer to a gear collapse as a KRASH? There was no KRASH at all.
joel wiley 2
Well, the website from which the post comes IS named The storyline is that the left gear failed to deploy rather than collapse. Just curious, how would you characterize it?
preacher1 1
I guess the old saying about a landing you walk away from is a good one, but a gear up landing is a controlled KRASH at best, and it will definitely be a few days befor this one will fly again.LOL. That said, kudos to the crew for getting it down.
It is called crash landing... no crash at all ...
but you cannot refer to it as simple landing when half of the landing gear is not deploying.
So the title is correct . Emergency landing , crash landed... no drama at all.


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