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Skydiving into Sports Authority Field

See what it's like to skydive into Sports Authority Field at Mile High from the point of view from the Thunderstorm jump team. ( 기타...

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I was at that game and what amazes me is the fact there are at least 8 cables running zig zag across the field that hold the field goal nets and the suspended camera in the middle of the field. Makes the window to land that much smaller!
mark jones 1
Proper knowledge, planning, and a competent ground crew makes it all cool. Add very skilled flyers and it's a walk in the park. (stadium)
ed lang 2
that is AMAZING!
Thanks! I can cross that off my bucket list, and I didn't have to pay for lessons or a box of Depend®.
Tom Lyons 2
What happened to the third jumper? Did he land at Coors Field?
Watch clos and see him land first near the end zone to the left.
kev wu 1
I live in Colorado and its amazing to see the POV of the jumpers
Jpliego 1
Go Broncos!


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