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FAA Investigating ATC Joke

The Federal Aviation Administration is investigating a potentially dangerous mishap with a plane arriving at Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport. ( 기타...

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I doubt ATC would send a plane around as a joke and the recording only tells a part of the story. Perhaps the controller just quickly realized the "go around" was no longer necessary. "Just kidding" is not the right verbage of course, probably "Delta 630 disregard, you are cleared to land 27L if still able" might have been more fitting. I don't see what the hubbub is about if this is the case. There is plenty of pseudo-professional lingo on the airwaves and "Just kidding" is not near the top of the most egregious IMO.
Well, he did it and used that verbiage, for whatever reason, AND, nothing other than that was given as far as explanation. Can't blame the pilot for being "ANNOYED" and the ATC guy is lucky that he didn't get looked up after that plane landed. Facility may have been secure but he got off at some time and somebody could have been waiting on him.

Very true. I can see it now: A line of Delta pilots with torches and bats standing outside the tower. "He's the guy that said 'Just Kidding.' Get him!"
Not sure what part of the country you are from but there is a thing known as a countrified Butt whuppin' and just how much you piss somebody off depends on whether you will get one or not. When the white shirt and tie comes off, you probably in trouble. LOL
Bet he thinks it's real hilarious now...*eye roll*


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