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Malaysia to Take Custody of Black Boxes and Bodies from Flight 17

Malaysia’s prime minister said Monday that the two black boxes from downed Malaysia Airlines 777 will be turned over to Malaysian officials and that the country will take custody of the victims’ bodies as well. Prime Minister Najib Razak said that his country has held behind-the-scenes discussions ... ( 기타...

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I wonder how many languages from English they will convert it to before changing it back to English... This is a bad move...
Well, they have them anyway and the word is that they will go to the Netherlands for processing since the Dutch had the most folks on board and that is where the bodies are going to as well.
That would be good for the Dutch to do it.. We can (sort of) trust them....
Malaysia,investigation = start your engines for another wild goose chase!!!
Even if they pull this off, they already admitted in the 370 fiasco that they didn't have the expertise for the recorders. Wonder who will get to do them?
Since they are a member of the ICAO and a contributing member standard procedure if unable to read the recorders themselves or if they are damaged is to send them to either the AAIB labs, Washington labs or the manufacturer assumedly Honeywell. Since they will be looking for noises and airframe noises indicative of a missile explosion and the associated shrapnel it need expert analysis.

Apart from the errors in the initial search delays of Malaysia for MH370 nothing else is a fiasco, unless you want to pick on the 26 countries inputs, inclusive of US experts, Boeing, NTSB, Navy and the magic pinger locator and FBI.
With a 3 week delay by those bumbling fools, all the expertise in the world couldn't recoup that. Update on the boxes and all; Malaysia has the boxes and the bodies are on there way to be unloaded and flown out. It appears all is going to the Netherlands to take the lead as they had the most pax on the flight.
I have got to say one thing though. They apparently learned off of 370, to have put this deal together behind the scenes, while the rest of the world leaders were blathering or posturing for whoever would listen.


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