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Ryanair Boeing 737 at London on Jul 29th 2014, tail strike on landing

A Ryanair Boeing 737-800, registration EI-EFB performing flight FR-2369 from Ostrava (Czech Republic) to London Stansted,EN (UK), landed on Stansted's runway 04 at 22:42L (21:42Z) but struck its tail onto the runway. The aircraft rolled out without further incident. There were no injuries, the passengers disembarked normally, the aircraft sustained substantial damage. ( 기타...

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Despite all their shortcomings, they are big on safety so this will be taken seriously. This was their first landing tail strike but the had one on takeoff in 2008.
Didn't they just have a similar incident in LPMA?
It wasn't publicized if they did. The one in '08 was the only other reported. Normally, something like that can't get hidden too well.
It appeared on aviation herald. They also had pics. The damage was substantial, s few bent spars inside the tail etc
I guess they are getting some cockier cowboys as they push their schedules tighter.
Maybe a month ago


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