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Russian Bombers Increase Flights Near U.S. airspace

For the second time since June, Russian nuclear bombers escorted by fighter jets have flown near U.S. and Canadian airspace around Alaska in recent days, prompting precautionary intercepts by American warplanes. ( 기타...

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dangerous times, but i don't think we have anything to worry about for another two years at least
The usual cat and mouse game.
They don't need to photo---they have the eye in the sky...same as us.
Dave H 2
When are our elections? I'm very curious about what would happen if the Russians were to cross over into our air space? Scary thought hope it doesn't happen.
Hjeh... "Red Dawn", anyone? :D
the most that Russia knows will be done is maybe a few strong words. The currect Obama/Kerry combo speaks loudly but carries a small twig.
hence my comment - right on mr. smith

Ed Mentz 1
Tickling the dragons tail to see if he still has his teeth are they...???? Only idiots pray for peace, smart uns arm for peace, and we have an idiot in the WH.
They have proven they are no friend of aviation.

Just a matter of time until Korea or Malaysia opens a can of pay back.
I have read the US has already sent air craft carriers to border N. Korea,.... in hopes the North will retaliate as they did in the 1950's,... that started that war.
Praying for peace is like screwing for virginity!
The drama of cold war round 2
Besides threatening U.S. airspace, Russia is also sending warships into and near NATO member's waters in the Baltic Sea. This is called testing or probing, and it is not something friendly or peaceful countries do.
Maybe Sarah Palin was right?????
This article is of concern, but perhaps it's because the US has long had air craft carriers along Russian borders, at least that is what I have heard, and read.
Martha, if your so interested as to where our aircraft carriers are then follow the link below. You would be surprised to find out how few of them are actually abroad and mainly in or near the Persian Gulf.


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