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Chinese develop super-fast submarine to ‘fly’ through water in an ‘air bubble’

Researchers at the Harbin Institute of Technology in northeast China tell the South China Morning Post that they're hard at work on a submarine that the newspaper claims could travel the 6100 miles (9820 kilometres) from "Shanghai to San Francisco in 100 minutes" by creating a bubble of air that encompasses the whole submarine, ejecting gas through the nose with enough force that it forms water vapor. This greatly reduces drag and allows it to travel at high speeds not possible by… ( 기타...

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I predict we will have affordable supersonic transport through a medium at least 784 times less dense than water long before the Chinese succeed with this plan (if ever).

The amount of energy required for a trans-Pacifc trip is impractical, the ecological impact ridiculous, and the damage that would result from a supersonic impact with a submerged object (like a large fish or even a whale) astronomic.


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