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FAA Will Review ATC Security Plans

Following a fire that knocked out ATC equipment at a facility in Aurora, Illinois, on Friday, FAA Administrator Michael Huerta said on Monday the agency will conduct a 30-day review of its contingency plans and security protocols to be sure they address system efficiency as well as safety. "I do understand the traveling public's frustrations," Huerta said. More than 2,500 flights were cancelled over the weekend at Chicago's busy O'Hare and Midway hubs, according to USA… ( 기타...

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Well, they ought to concentrate on contingency plans and having backup plans for other facilities to not only get planes down that are in the air, but to allow halfway normal operations out of ORD and MDW. Beefing up security is kinda pointless, especially as a reaction to this, as this guy was a contract worker, had been there for 8 years, and was upset about transferring to Hawaii. Kinda hard to protect against something like that. Better to protect the planes with something halfway regiment rather than just dump it in their laps like 911 and say get 'em on the ground as in ATC 0
Redundancy... all systems on the aircraft have redundancy, why not in ATC?
I think they had redundancy but only in Aurora. LOL
The guy had access to the facility, there was no security breach. But it did demonstrate lack of preparedness and contingency plans to work a site outage for whatever reason.
Most definitely. They got everybody down but they threw ORD and MDW under the bus.
FAA review should include plans for alternate resources to cover critical infrastructure components when somebody that doesn't like us takes action. Incidents like this help point out what infrastructure components are subject to failure and need defense-in-depth resources.
Your opinion is very correct. No security breach this time but there may be a next time.
The intent doesn't matter whether it's malfeasance, misfeasance or nonfeasance. If it got broke, what do we have to keep going till it's fixed? Assume there will be a next time and plan accordingly. The key to paranoia is not fear, it is a reasonableness test. Best luck next week.
Yeah, what I see here is a typical government knee jerk reaction to a security breach rather than saying we got caught with our pants down and threw ORD and MDW under the bus, not to mention the airlines. With everybody running such high capacity now, unless they throw in some extra aircraft, which isn't likely, they'll be all week getting everybody out of there.
I noted as a result of this incident (or maybe it was in the works before), ZMP (Minneapolis Center) has taken over several sectors from Chicago and altered arrivals (BULLZ 6 was replaced by Janesville 6 for traffic in this area). Since I am out of range of other sectors, I am curious if there has been any like changes in other areas taking territory away from Chicago Center.

Decentralization of large hubs as Chicago, especially infrastructure is the easiest way to ensure redundancy. Simply moving a few sectors to other Centers is not the total answer (although it is a good stop-gap measure til what ever caused the outage can be brought back on-line).
No redundancy if the entire system knocked out. Redundancy means no disruption, other than a few moments to transfer control.
they probably had redundancy for the individual systems, but not the whole center and this guy took it all out
Perhaps we need to rethink what is meant by redundancy and resilience in critical infrastructure systems. It's not like we are in a war or anything.


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