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Indian airline SpiceJet hits buffalo during take-off

An Indian aircraft hit a stray buffalo during take-off from the western city of Surat, but no passengers or crew were injured. The Delhi-bound SpiceJet Boeing 737, carrying 146 passengers and crew, was grounded on Thursday because of the damage sustained in the accident. ( 기타...

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And here is encore
BUFFALO ON RUNWAY - Probe on, but cattle still graze at Surat airport
Barely a day after a SpiceJet plane hit a stray buffalo on the runway , security guards and airport staff were once again caught unawares on Friday evening when two cows trespassed into the airport area and leisurely walked through, grazing on grass.
INCREDIBLE INDIA - a popular refrain from Indian tourism Department.
And India want to be one of the G-8/9 and get Veto power in UNSC .
And why not ? Others claim only bird hits. we claim hits by the bigger kind .
Wow !
Chris B 2
Dinner is served?
Others kill/hit birds on runway. But India ?
Bigger nation, bigger kills/hits.
Hence a buffalo, at least. And yesterday 2 cows , the sacred cows at that !
ha ha ha
Google: airplane deer hits. The first bunch all take place in the good old US of A. My favorite is the jet hitting a heard at KCLT.
Will you call it 'chinks in the armor' will it be 'skeletons in the cupboard' ?
Buffalo on runway triggers DGCA alarm on 18 airports
Animal Hazard Severe In 5 Of Them, Says Aviation Watchdog
A nation vying to be No. 3 in GDP and so on !
Viva la India , my motherland .

good thing it wasn't a cow , they would of shut the runway for three day's
(Duplicate Squawk Submitted)

Indian plane hits and kills buffalo while taking off.

Indian plane hits and kills buffalo while taking off.
(Duplicate Squawk Submitted)

Incredible India - Buffalo on runway: Inspection of walls around all airports

A day after 146 people on board a Delhi-bound SpiceJet flight had a narrow escape when a buffalo hit their aircraft at Surat as it was about to take off, the aviation ministry has decided to despatch teams to all airports across the country for detailed inspections of perimeter walls. Barbed wires fenced will be replaced by boundarywalls at all airports to prevent animals straying inside airports for grazing within next three months.
A high-level meeting held by aviation minister Ashok Gajapathi Raju Pusapati here Friday discussed the issue of
stray ani mals at airports, a common occurrence in India. About the latest incident at Surat, the ministry admitted: “Timely action by the pilot of the aircraft averted a mishap.“ Both the DGCA and Airports Authority of India are investigating this serious incident involving the airline's Boeing 737.
(Duplicate Squawk Submitted)

Indian 737 Hits Bull Kills Same

A Spice Jet 737 hits bull on runway during takeoff. No injuries except to bull.


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