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American Airlines Mulls Headquarters Move Year After Merger

The airline may decide to leave Fort Worth, Texas, where it has been based since 1979, or opt to do nothing, Chief Executive Officer Doug Parker said after a speech today to the Fort Worth Chamber of Commerce. ( 기타...

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canuck44 5
Undoubtedly tossing this out looking for some state or municipal considerations. DFW is mid-Continent and in a vibrate, low tax economy unlike some of the other AA hubs.
Yes, it's really buzzing.
It is not American that needs to move out, it's Parker!
I really think at some point and time, they'll go back to Phoenix. I don't think
Douggie Boy ever sold his house in Paradise Valley. I posted this yesterday on the wrong thread.
ADXbear 1
Orlando would lay out the welcome mat with tax incentives and low taxes...
canuck44 1
Wouldn't that piss off MIA.
Big time, but I am like you. They are sitting in the middle of the most business friendly state in the country. They are fishing just to see if there is anything else out there.
BTW, did you see the announcement yesterday that Tom Horton had been named to WalMart board of directors?
canuck44 1
Don't know if that is a great distinction as Hillary Clinton parked her generous butt there too. I suspect he will have to do something until his non-compete clause expires if he has one, but given his payoff I would assume there is one there.
He probably has a non-compete but with his payout and him being early 50's, I'd be surprised if he went into anything right away. Of course I can see the other side of it to as far as getting restless. A man has to do something and a wife has to realize that and let them go. I guess we'll see.


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