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Satellite data shows MH370 plane crashed into the Indian Ocean

Critical days were lost in the search for MH370 because Malaysian authorities initially rejected evidence from a British satellite company that the Boeing 777 with 239 aboard was in the Southern Indian Ocean. ( 기타...

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Is there anyway to "fake" these signals to the satellite?
Idk about faking it but I don't put a lot of faith in it as there was so much indecision when it was first broached. That said, it is not really designed for that purrpose either.
If found 4 miles underwater the crush pressure would not allow jet to be intact
At the risk of starting up all the why' and wherefores again, it would not be intact 4 miles down, but how much would come to the surface, and again, with several weeks of indecision by the government, we could have had some debris and never saw it. One of these days, maybe we'll get all the answers.
As a minimum, a B772 has over 200 seat cushions which are designed to float forever. Emirates CEO, Sir Tim Clark said, " this case, there wasn't a seat cushion, and our experience tells us that in water incidents, where the aircraft has gone down, there is always something. We have not seen a single thing that suggests categorically that this aircraft is where they say it is, nothing." This comes from a November 22 interview with the Sydney Morning Herald. The full transcript of this interview is very interesting reading. See
Lot's of difference in starting to look for the plane the day after and
fine-toothing the last 24 hours and waiting 3 weeks.
Thanks for posting, it puts his remarks in better context than a bunch of soundbites. My take on his position is that with all the holes and withheld information, he needs to question the veracity of the data that is presented. Rather than the airplane, the free flow of full disclosure of information has been hijacked.
I'm still concerned/confused about the number of hours that the satelite continued to receive handshake assuming it was the engines sending the ping - 4 hrs or 7 hrs?

[This poster has been suspended.]

He may not be that far off. As May. authorities sat on and/or rejected information about the crash, debris may have been on the water and even washing up, but a lot can happen in 2-3 weeks with unknown currents in that part of the world. To boot, if it was a controlled type ditching, as some have suggested, there might not have been that much.


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