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US ‘big three’ carriers accuse Gulf rivals of taking $40 billion in subsidies

American Airlines, Delta Air Lines and United Airlines joined with a number of unions Wednesday to accuse the three major Gulf carriers of receiving government subsidies totaling more than $40 billion. Representatives of the US airlines, the Air Line Pilots Association International, the Allied Pilots Association, and the Association of Professional Flight Attendants held a joint press conference in Washington DC as part of the US carriers’ campaign against Emirates Airline, Etihad Airways and… ( 기타...

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This is gonna get really interesting before it's over with. I imagine our legacy carriers would naturally feel the competition, but they are on to something with the unfettered growth over there that Uncle Sugar may have to step in in some form or fashion. Competition is OK as long as it's halfway fair.
people who live in glass houses - just saying
In 1978 it seemed that whenever Gulf Air (1011s and 737s in Bahrain) were short of cash the Gulf states would "lend" them a few million more. I'm under the impression that there was no interest or repayment schedule associated with such "loans". But then didn't TWA-piloted Saudia operate under the same conditions ? I loved those Saudia pax who used to cook in the heads with their pump-up paraffin pressure stoves.
Granted, this is now but Japan and South Korea have done about the same thing; basically quasi ownership of a flag carrier or heavy industry and so has Germany. Not so much with the UK, but we have provided all of them the pattern and they have just turned around and kicked our butts with it.
I'm shocked that the Arabs would play this game the same way they play the oil game...just shocked.
Competition is competition, Uncle Sam lets the "big 3" hide under Chapter 11 every time they are bankrupt. None of them should still be flying without that protection. Perhaps the next administration will cough up a few bucks for AA, Delta and UA (ha ha!)


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