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Air France Flight 6738 makes emergency landing in Halifax

An Air France cargo jet with three people on board has landed safely at Halifax's Stanfield International Airport after declaring an emergency. Flight 6738 departed from Paris on Tuesday evening and was scheduled to land in Chicago. Around 9 p.m. AT, an emergency was declared on board and the flight diverted to Halifax. The Boeing 777 landed around 9:35 p.m. without incident. ( 기타...

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canuck44 2
YHZ along with Gander, St Johns and Goose Bay have long been "emergency stops" for trans Atlantic traffic. Concorde was a frequent visitor, most often for fuel on the Westbound route, but also for repairs. Now that 757's are used from Europe, headwinds will necessitate stops for fuel before entering heavy New England traffic.
Gander is the only one we use


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