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American Airlines Updates New Livery Paint Progress

The airline expects to complete its 4-year repainting program by the end of 2017, together with the retirement of its MD-80 aircraft. ( 기타...

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They should have gone back to the all polished look.
It is pretty difficult to polish composites.
I know that I just liked that look a lot better than today's paint job.
They should have spent the money upgrading their tired old 763s. The ones they use in the RDU-LHR route still have CRTs in the center of the cabin. No seat back IFE. Throwback to the 90s
Type 'American Airlines livery' into google and then hit 'images' to see some beautiful ideas that never made it!
chalet 1
No 767s being repainted = soon to be retired. Does anyone know exactly when?
Showing 56 in their fleet and only a total of 24 aircraft on order. I think some 763s have been repainted and winglets installed. Nothing for their paying passengers from what I see. A332 via CLT is a more pleasant experience even if it is a little longer.
CPAIR007 of the WORST paint schemes EVER !!!!!!....TSK TSK tsk !!
Sad to see .. the tail on the new livery of an abstract American Flag, is not only a disgrace, but dishonored those who served and died under the Red, White and Blue, in the US military ... The new EAGLE symbol, is what should be on the tail ... Someone, must have had a few, too many drinks, if they felt "It looked great".


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