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Martin Mars water bomber comes out of retirement to fight B.C. wildfires

Amazing old aircraft now 70 years old that can scoop up 30 tons of water from a lake without stopping. They tried to replace them with C-130s but they require airports for loading water or chemical and are no match for the old technology. ( 기타...

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oowmmr 2
That's a grand ole heavy. One drop probably equals 5 of the smaller wb's.
I wonder if they will put it back into retirement.. She sure is proving her worth...
John I recently was in Memphis at the FEDEX base looking over the DC10 aircraft they have. I was really amazed the oldest one was 45 years old and still flying. Some are ex UAL Continental, Delta. I never thought they would go that long. But mind you the Boeing 747-100 at Seattle Everett Just down the road from Boeing stored still lives and they say she can be started up and flown. Nice story John.
canuck44 1
The old girl is like the A-10 for fire fighting. It can deliver 30 tons of water in continuous passes. Here is another link with the back story.
bbabis 1
You just can't keep a great airplane down!
I flew on this airplane in 1951. and it is still flying. wonderful..


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