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United Express Flight UA5393 experiencing 'technical issues' after takeoff

United Express, opb SkyWest loses an engine cowl after takeoff ( 기타...

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Diverted UAL5393 flight --
...actually it looks like it might have been the result of a bird strike... if you look at the video, just aft of the de-ice ring, there are some serious marks and missing paint.
Nope ... It is a CRJ200 so pretty much all of them have bad paint jobs to age. (with exception of a few American Airlines aircraft (thanks to a new livery)). These planes are on the border a trip to the desert so no one wants to paint them. The ones that are still flying are doing so because 1) fuel prices have gone down and 2) it takes a while to phase them out.
bdarnell -1
Slow news day in Milwaukee ?
Well, the general public gets kind of upset about parts of aircraft passing overhead falling on them.


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