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Russia's Putin says opposes MH17 tribunal ahead of U.N. vote

MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Wednesday he opposed the creation of an international tribunal to prosecute those who shot down a Malaysian airliner over eastern Ukraine, hours before a U.N. vote on such a proposal. ( 기타...

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Because it will most likely show that it was "his" missile that brought the things down.
Putin does not want prosecution of the perpetrators because there is no shirtless horseback riding in prison.
Just don't get it. Why would Putin not want an investigation? Just don't get it.
jal6010 1
As a proud Australian Russia is guilty of there crime. Like they were when they shot down the Korean Airlines B747-100 over Russia years back and claimed it was on a spying mission. Years later the admitted they were guilty of the crime. Here we have the same thing. Murderers of Innocent lives taken by foolish Russian rebels. They are running scared now this is there blunt excuse to veto this out. But like I say what goes around comes back around in front of you.


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