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United Airlines Computers Reportedly Hacked

United Airlines, the world’s second largest airline, had its computer systems breached by hackers in the spring. The breach, which was not publicly reported, is believed to be the work of the same hackers who have hit other large targets in recent months ... ( 기타...

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I live near Chicago. Not long ago there was a United person on AM radio (WGN AM) who was seriously taunting hackers. He said on no uncertain terms "come hack us, you cant" on the freaking radio. As a computer and security expert as my living...that is foolish beyond belief.
Pileits 1
I sure hope the computer that was hacked wasn't that same very OLD and very worn out "Unimatic" thing that UAL began using in 1968!
Wouldn't surprise me that it was.
Not surprising.. It happens everywhere.


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