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Emirates plans double-daily A380 to Amsterdam

Emirates wants to operate a twice-daily A380 service to Amsterdam Schiphol as soon as possible, according to CEO Tim Clark. A double-daily superjumbo service to the city would be good for the Dutch economy, Clark told Holland's Financieele Dagblatt. He said: "Five hundred extra passengers. Why would Schiphol not want that?" ( 기타...

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This will certainly create more shopping competition between AMS and DXB. Many savvy North American passengers to Europe and beyond skip that cesspool at Heathrow and opt for AMS. Now they need to choose where to shop en route.

I don't think either AMS or DXB are "destinations" rather technical operating stops for saving carriers money. AMS for its location on the NA great circle routes, and DXB because of its central location for Africa and India. I would think Emirates enjoys cheap fuel or they would look for better great circle stops.

I can't understand why there is a fascination with A380's. Who wants to arrive with a hoard to try and move through an airport? The plane lacks the comfort of most other wide bodies, and has none of the cachet of the B747 in the twin deck category.

I have say that if I have a choice between airlines between two points, Emirates does stand out as a well run airline. Their ground services, meals, and amenities are always near the top of the list. The only downside is they are trying to kill American airlines in World service. That should not be allowed to occur without fair competition.
Evidence that it's not just American, Delta, and United who are concerned about Gulf carriers not competing fairly.


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