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Delta marketing fail

Latest DL commercial disappointing from the most basic parts. While extolling the virtues of Delta the video shows a turbofan windmilling in ....reverse. Nice attention to detail. Dear Delta, please allow a crew member to QC your adverts before sending them out. Cheap insurance. ( 기타...

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Why does a fan windmilling in reverse matter? That's what they do when the wind blows up the tailpipe. I guess I don't see how that "oversight" in the production process impinges on the quality of the ad or the airline.
If you're going to reference an advertisement from Delta, it'd be nice to include a link to that advertisement. Nice QC on your part. Also, their latest commercial starts with the engine spooling up, in the correct direction and continuing a normal start. Most videos that you see of turbofans or turboprops make them appear to spin backwards due to the frames-per-second of the camera. It's all just an optical illusion.
Forward or backwards, which way do YOU want your airline to fly? Just sayin, the Devil is in the details


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