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Southwest Is Officially America’s Favorite Airline! Sorry, JetBlue.

Great Article! In the contentious world of air travel, we often forget to celebrate those who are doing things right. And according to a survey of more than 11,000 U.S. fliers, Southwest Airlines is doing them best. Southwest took top honors in Airfarewatchdog‘s annual travel survey, which ranks domestic airlines based on customer reviews. Nearly a third of fliers surveyed said Southwest was their favorite airline, with 31.9 percent of votes. Next came Delta, at 19.3 percent, and American, at… ( 기타...

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Love the Sumu or the whale painted b737-700 not sure of the name flew it from klas/klax not bad service has picked up
I always liked the underdog/maverick. Herb was my fav kinda guy. Straightshooter and didn't take any crap, exc from shareholders.
Chevys Fresh Mex ( had an ad "Voted Best Mexican Restaurant in an internal poll". Something about a self-selecting population perhaps?


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