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MH370 'could be north of search area'

The oceanographer whose calculations helped an American adventurer find potential debris from Flight 370 said today the Malaysia Airlines jetliner could have crashed slightly north of the current search area. Adventurer Blaine Gibson handed Malaysian authorities in Kuala Lumpur on Tuesday three pieces of debris and personal belongings that he found on Madagascar beaches in June, which he suspects came from the Boeing 777 that vanished with 239 people on board during a flight from Kuala Lumpur to… ( 기타...

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No kidding, Dobbin. US$150 million later are the top officials of this search seriously going to start looking where no man has bothered to go before? Are they going to start looking elsewhere than where - for the first time ever - one Inmarsat technician extracted Doppler Effect background noise from a squeaky-clean 0/1 digital signal and categorically determined that it had gone south?

I am not a conspiracy theorist, but if the aircraft is _NOT_ where Inmarsat says it is, then clearly there exists a very real possibility that - given the tracking of the ACARS until it ran out of fuel - it may well be at the end of the northern arc, in the other direction, and could be in Russia.

But what the hell would I know.


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