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United Airlines Announces Relaunch of Denver to London Route

In celebration of United's 80 years of service in Denver, the airline today announced the launch of daily nonstop seasonal service between Denver International Airport (DEN) and London's Heathrow Airport (LHR) beginning March 24, 2018 through October 26, 2018, subject to government approval. The new Denver flight will conveniently connect customers from nearly 80 domestic destinations to London. ( 기타...

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Good for UAL using the 787-8! Can't go wrong with that bird! Great decision in my humble opinion! Cost effected and a good ride. 747-4 would eat too much $$$$$. Good shout for UAL!
That's going to be a challenge for them while there pax loading's are down they should use the B744's on this route
Unfortunately the 747 is not an option as it's been retired. Last flight will be before year's end...


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