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Airbus Working With Emirates on New Order for Flagship A380

Airbus SE is working with Emirates, the biggest buyer of its A380 double-decker airliner, on a follow-up deal, which would bring much-needed relief to a program that’s running out of orders as carriers pick smaller more fuel-efficient aircraft. ( 기타...

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I have never had the opportunity to fly on an A380 and doubt I ever will. The A380 is the biggest white elephant to come along in the Airline business since the Concord, with some of the same and even greater problems.

There are only a limited number of airports that can handle the plane. It is a fuel guzzler. Because it is a four engine aircraft even on a short flight it requires a three person crew on the flight deck. The breakeven point for each flight is higher because of these problems and not every flight is a full or even three quarts fuel.

Both Airbus and Boeing have twin Engine planes that can fly as far or farther on less fuel and few flight deck crew. Both companies twin engine planes can supply airlines with point to point service for passengers on long haul flight to destinations never before serviced without one or more stop overs. Both of these companies have twin engine planes that can carry upwards of 400 plus passengers about 65 to 100 les then the a380 in a standard configuration and do so for about 15% less.

Last but not least having only one true customer means the customer sets the terms and conditions of purchase rather then the manufacturer setting the terms and conditions of sale. That is a bad business model.
Year ago we had a 380 land at Bangor Maine, with short notice, anticipating low fuel arriving at Kennedy. There were no stairs to fit the plane; I wonder if Bangor (a safety landing site for the great traffic flow across the Atlantic) is going to make the purchase. Passengers had to remain aboard; customs could have been made available.
Where is Boeing in this competition?
Sometimes you make more money (by not losing it) by sitting one out.
Right there you have a fine point from the "Robbie Palmer School of Business Management".
Often the best solution to a prospective problem is to do nothing. Unfortunately we have so many young "executives" all over the world who have to create elaborate solutions for anticipated problems; this to demonstrate their education.
Right there you have a fine point from the "Robbie Palmer School of Business Management".
Often the best solution to a prospective problem is to do nothing. Unfortunately we have so many young "executives" all over the world who have to create elaborate solutions for anticipated problems; this to demonstrate their business school education.

Correct, it's the same where I work, so much money gets wasted on a project 'because it's what the customer wants' and so often I have to look at it and say 'yes, but do we get any return on this?' and invariably the answer is no, so I tell the customer to go elsewhere.
mdburd 2
Depends on what you compare...

A380 vs. 747-8i; the 747 is the failure of that pair.

The A380 program vs. the whole 747 program; the tale is reversed.
mymaestro Emirates places US$15.1 billion order for 40 Boeing 787 Dreamliners at 2017 Dubai Airshow


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