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Iraq in deal for purchase of 5 Bombardier passenger jets

Minister Kazim Finjan said in the statement that the ministry reached a deal with the company for the purchase of five CS300 jets. ( 기타...

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Cansojr 1
If their money holds any reserves and it is green, if it's money and holds value. Let
the Iranian buy the jets. If their money is green I have no qualms about this sale which could use the greenback. I am not prejudice if it's a cash sale. Trump will howl Trudeau will be called a loser and weak. This from a man who just watches television. Trump doesn't read, he needs to be entertained live. His literature is the National Enquiy
and watching (false news) he doesn't read his briefing papers. Now he only reads National Enquire. We are doomed by this sociopathic behavior. "I'll get my briefs then I can wing-it. This pathological liar clearly has some self esteem problems. The opposite of Trump who must weigh up to 190. This is the magazine with two heads and carnivorous.


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