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Will Delta Air Lines' Spat With Boeing Weigh On Massive Plane Order?

As Delta reportedly weighs a new purchase that pits Boeing and Airbus against one another, Boeing might need a better pitch than, you know, "Wait, we have skinnier toilets!" The airline is mulling an order for up to 100 aircraft, worth as much as $12.7 billion, with an option to buy 100 more, according to Bloomberg. ( 기타...

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canuck44 4
Boeing can expect a frosty reception at Delta as they peddle their products.Delta has been slowly shifting to an Airbus airline and most of what Delta is replacing are older Boeing products and the knife in the back over the C-series will resonate. Delta undoubtedly is looking to consolidate their lines to cut maintenance costs and increase flexibility.
Muchits 3
I can assure you Delta doesn't have an affinity either way - it comes down to the best deal. The only reason the 350/787 order went to Airbus was the delivery timeline was much shorter.
An Airbus purchase will be more politically acceptable now AB is building (some models anyway) in Mobile AL
Chris B 1
I hate it when anyone plays these games and hope it ends up in a black eye for Boeing. European airlines after all buy alot of aircraft. Sadly this is the time that Air Canada should be receiving a number of 737s from Boeing.

Half expecting some C series production or say finish work to happen in Mobile, as an end run around the "chicken tax" that Boeing created.


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