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Delta set to place huge order with Airbus

Boeing and Delta are embroiled in an ongoing trade dispute over the airline's purchase of the smaller Canadian Bombardier C Series. Boeing has accused Bombardier of selling the C Series to Delta at unfairly low prices, and the U.S. Commerce Department has recommended a preliminary 300% tariff on the import of the jets. Bombardier and the Canadian government deny any unfair trade practices. ( 기타...

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canuck44 9
If this goes down, I would expect turmoil in the Boeing Boardroom and a few folks that led them down this path feeling the sudden need to spend more time with their families. Whoever thought they could stick it to Delta and Bombardier over the C-series sale without consequences is obviously too delusion to be allowed out without adult supervision.
So, now is Boeing going ask for more illegal sanctions?
Delta just flipped Boeing the bird!
boeing makes awfully good fighters and airliners that Canada can do without, given substitutes are available. Boeing's board of directors should be immediatlely chopped from their duties . This is the current best case study in corporate hubris, and I now think the costs will be measured in the hundreds of airliners and jet fighters not sold and delivered. The question about Canadian f-35's is still open, only barely, because Canada is obligated within nato to provide specific capabilities.
Sounds like Boeing is getting a lump of coal in their Christmas stocking.
This Bombardier incident. Boeing claim Bombardier selling at unfairly low prices. Surely if too low Bombardier go skint and if Governments subsidising then that is a legal argument. Trouble is there is so much political turmoil in US that there are certain decisions made specifically to hurt Trump regardless of effect on US.


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