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Qantas and Virgin follow US airlines to ban smart luggage

Virgin Australia says that passengers would only be allowed to use the bags as carry-on luggage. "In the event that the guest's smart bag is too heavy, the lithium battery must be removed and carried as a spare battery in carry-on baggage. If the lithium battery cannot be removed, the smart bag cannot be carried on our aircraft," the airline said. Qantas will not allow cases on its planes at all if the batteries cannot be removed. The local airlines follow those in the US which… ( 기타...

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I'm sure there is more than one reason for disallowing these bags.

One is certainly the issue of a runaway thermal event and resulting fire from the lithium batteries. Another has got to be the possibility of someone trying to conceal an explosive device in the space normally occupied by the battery and electronics.
Sad, that luggage has become smarter than some passengers!!
The "Luggage Apocalypse" is near. Luggage will start ruling the world under claims that they were denied the freedom to fly on airplanes.


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