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February Order Battle: Boeing 747 And Airbus A380 Shine

The order battle between Boeing (NYSE: BA) and Airbus (OTCPK:EADSF, OTCPK:EADSY) is one way for the companies to flex their muscles, next to marketing their respective products as the best solution with the highest fuel efficiency and passenger comfort. Even though the orders (in terms of value) are in no way a reflection of financial performance, it's important to have a look at the order inflow. That's because the order tallies give a nice impression of which manufacturer has the… ( 기타...

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Let's have articles that are free to read and don't require a subscription. It's kinda pointless to only be able to read the article's title.
I was able to read this without a subscription. In fact, the site only asked about why I'm using an ad blocker and to whitelist their site. Click on the x at the top of that pop-up and it goes away, leaving me to read the entire thing.


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