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Divers have finally found the cvr of lion air

The search has ended for the CVR (cockpit voice recorder) of Lion Air flight 610 as the divers have located and brought to the service the planes CVR. Let’s all hope it’s intacted and in good working order. ( 기타...

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Did anyone ever find out who did the initial pilot training on the Max prior to it going into revenue service for Lion Air? Was it company check pilots, Boeing flight & ground instructors or Heres the Manual go fly, it’s just another B737?
bbabis 6
Hope it yields good information and connects all the other pieces of the investigation together.
Fairly sure that the casing for the CVR is meant to withstand exterior magnetic force utilized for recovery - as well, current state CVR's utilize digital voice recording vs. magnetic tape and are less likely to degrade in the presence of magnetic fields.

Found under 28 feet of mud? The magnetometer strong enough to do that may be strong enough to scramble the recorder data. It'll be interesting to see if the information survived that and the seawater for 77 days...
Like the Indonesian Government will release the contents of the CVR. In Asia, saving face is far more important than saving lives and learning from mistakes.
bentwing60 10
The aircraft manufacturer and ICAO will have reps. privy to the CVR data.There will be no suppression of the conversation between the two front seats. If the CVR survived the recovery?
You can be damn sure Boeing will exert all the pressure they can muster if it looks like it's being suppressed. Lion Air is alleging the crash is caused by a defect in Boeing's new plane and Boeing wants to stick it to em' and prevent a multi million dollar lawsuit.


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