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Biman Dash-8 Crashes in Yangoon

A Biman Bangladesh Airlines Dash-8 Q400 (Tail number S2-AGQ) has crashed upon the landing of flight BG-060. The aircraft appears to have skidded off left of the runway. All passengers have been reported as safe, with 15 injured people. There are and were active thunderstorms in the area at the time. ( 기타...

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The latest accidents have mostly been attributed to bad weather; operators usually take notice of the weather conditions of the airport of departure, en route and, above all, the destination, including the alternate airport. The meteorological conditions do not appear suddenly, it has a well studied and well-known behavior and is at the service of the operators and the current technology helps a lot in the forecasts. Many times I think, they are another type of pressure to which the operators and mainly the pilots are exposed. Competition, departure on time, aircrafts that are engaged for subsequent flights, etc., cause the weather conditions and their severity to be underestimated many times.
I ask two questions: Is there responsibility in the companies through their management that ultimately fall on the pilots to make decisions about "delaying" a flight until the conditions are safe ?, and ...... the pilots face a dilemma between their overestimation and the pressure from their bosses to "question their experience" thinking about the conservation of their jobs?
I'm sure there are mitigating factors, but I'm starting to get the impression that these Dash-8's aren't the strongest in the landing gear department.
" aren't the strongest in the landing gear" - That is an Understatement!

That is a total loss... Will see what happened.
It will buff out...
Lol.... Spit and Polish!


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