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Frontier May be Gone by end of 2011

The carrier is owned by Republic Airways Holdings and was bankrupt when Republic bought it in 2009. Republic recently merged another of its holdings, Midwest Air, into Frontier. Denver-based Frontier is simply too small to compete in the domestic carrier market -- which has become increasingly dominated by large airlines that are growing due to mergers. Wall Street has also become increasingly worried about Republic's future. Its shares are down 13% over the last quarter, while shares in… ( 기타...

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Russ0000 0
The author of the original article has a very poor track record of success for his annual predictions of imminent corporate demise.
Anything is possible, however, post-bankruptcy Frontier has been making money. The company is reportedly wholly owned by RAH and someone would have to make them a significant offer to spin it off. Frontier is part of Republic's vision for survival.
This prediction is unlikely to happen without Republic Airways Holdings disappearing as well.
Agreed, Russ.

With that, and RAH disappearing, that would kill a lot of mainline carrier's regional service. CHQ, RPA, FFT, and TCF would all have to go, and that would kill regional operations for the 3 legacy carriers (UAL/COA, DAL/NWA, AAL), and USA. That won't be happening any time soon, if at all.


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