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Dogs in tutus delay Norwegian Air flight

You can't make this stuff up; emotional support dogs in tutus delayed a Norwegian Air flight at Gatwick Airport before the dogs and their owners were removed from the airplane. ( 기타...

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the article does not mention just how many emotional support animals (dogs) there leads you to believe it was quite a few..pugs are small and I guess you could try to cram more than one into a carry on kennel,but my gosh,why? especially if you put the poor dogs in a tutu!airlines are supposed to restrict the number of support animals and guide dogs,and unless its changed,it used to be only one per cabin,whether coach,first or business..i feel sorry for the dogs!!
Animals = Cargo Hold
Even the cargo hold is not suitable. I opened a 737 fwd cargo door one evening and found 2 kennels, a large golden retriever in each, and the one was so stressed out that it had ripped out several claws on its front paws,and had broken a couple teeth trying to chew thru the wire door of the kennel. Blood all over the animal and bin floor. We got towels and immeduately moved the animals to baggage claim, met with the passenger and offered to help clean the dog and refer her to the closest 24 hr animal hospital. And she declined, saying they were her ex husbands and she really did not want them, and was just bringing them to get them away feom him and would deal with them in the morning! And with that, she had the person picking her up load them into the van and she was gone.Some people are scum, some are scammers, but NEVER should an animal be put thru the stress of flying.(That is why there are pet sitters and places at home to board them)
You have to know your animal. In the US, when I went on leave, I either drove and took my dog with me, or I boarded her (90 pounds of German Shepherd goofiness). I did the same for TDY's lasting over two weeks. Unfortunately, I got assigned overseas, so my dog had to fly, it's a long drive across the Pacific Ocean. I have to admit that I am blessed with a dog that travels well, both in the car and in the air. On the other hand, when I arrived at my overseas duty station (military charter to a military base), when I went to collect my dog, the Vets were doing CPR on a French bull dog.
Brachycephalic dog breeds are severely prone to not traveling well, especially in aircraft, due to a severely abnormal upper respiratory anatomic conformation. It's no wonder though; the skull conformation of brachycelphalic dog breeds are a crime against nature. There are established "corrective" surgeries to shorten the soft palate and widen the nares (nostrils) for such breeds just so they can actually breathe a bit better, though still not as well as a "normal" dog.
This sounds like there was more than one person and multiple dogs per person. Just how many emotional support animals do they need? Again, and I admit this is based on assumptions, this sounds like folks gaming the system to avoid paying pet transport fees. I know it sounds mean, but personally, I feel that if you can't travel on an airplane without an emotional support critter, maybe you shouldn't be flying, or at least not flying unaccompanied.
"Norwegian Air said emotional support dogs, for people with mental or emotional disability, are allowed on direct flights to and from the US, excluding flights to the UK."
1. Flight was going from, not to UK
2. How did the dogs get to the UK in the first place? Was the breeder/trainer in UK?
The dogs were probably stationed in the UK, ie they lived there.
ON the other hand, I can see why they were distressed. I'd be distressed also if forced to wear a tutu, while being stared at by others.
Would it have been easier if they were wearing goblin head gear? Since pug nosed dogs are prone to problems on aircraft, I can understand why Norwegian didn't want them on board.


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