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Man arrested for claiming to have coronavirus on plane, forcing it to return to Toronto

Peel police have arrested a man for mischief after he reportedly told a plane full of people bound for Jamaica that he had coronavirus, forcing it to return to Toronto. The WestJet flight, headed to Montego Bay,, departed Toronto around 10 a.m. and was about halfway there when the man stood up and told crew and passengers he had coronavirus. The pilot radioed back and returned the flight to Toronto Pearson Airport. The plane landed at around 2:10 p.m. where the suspect was arrested.… ( 기타...

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Nooge 1
Wear a mask
Maybe they shouldn't sell alcohol in airports.
I hope the airline takes him to court to recoup the money for that flight and the other 2 canceled ones over his now 15 minutes of fame. What a maroon!
Smartphones seem to have found there way into the hands of some very dumb people.
All incurred costs, both by the airline and passengers should be charged to this guy, by order of a court or courts. His earnings need be garnisheed until all of the debt, including accrued interest, has been paid. Unfortunately, he would just go on welfare and not work for the rest of his life.
If you think the airlines have problems enough if I were captaining and had enough of clowns I'd have a light parachute in my bag and chuck his tail out. For the safety of the flight of course.
I could sugar coat my response but, nah.
What a fucking idiot
I'd say you can say that again but I'd lose American and Canadian social credits.
I watched his interview on local tv - i dont think I’ve ever been closer to driving my fist through a screen
Bozo will maybe have a surprise when he tries to go to LA to find fame and fortune. US Customs and Border Patrol will probably refuse him entry after he gets a conviction on his profile, especially for one involving an international flight. This guy needs 30 days obs in Penetang.
Poor guys flying with selfish idiot like this...
Well i guess he got what he was after.... those infamous few moments of “fame”.
It’ll look real good on his resume

Hope he will be banned from all Airlines world wide, and train.
Add cannabis stores too.
What a jerk...
Update: the idiot was interviewed by local TV. Claims he was making a viral video
"I graduated from University....I'm a rapper...." what a goofball.
He has some good company on the not a lot of smarts list. Two teens in Illinois were arrested for the same thing after going into a WalMart and spraying more than $7000 worth of produce with Lysol of some sort. You cannot fix stupid.
What an idiot!
Phil Caron -2
He's not a kid, but an idiot destined to Los Angeles where stupid actions have no consequences. Hope the fines bankrupt the moron and jail time where he could get reamed would be good too.
Wow such a mischievous kid. Why would he do such a thing?
ADXbear 4
$$$$$$$$$$$ aint going to like that bill..


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