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ADXbear 2
Ref jim Meyers comment... ha ha ha...
I guess I am "incompetent" since I am not sure what provoked the comment. I did find articles about this topic: "There’s only one type of UV that can reliably inactivate Covid-19 – and it’s extremely dangerous" - I confess I overlooked the fact that it was uvC being used. I also did not catch the fact that the light has a protective shield around the edge to prevent being seen. I also found this: It is from April, 2020 and it says, "PROBABLY. UV light has been shown to destroy other coronaviruses, so it will probably work on the novel coronavirus...". I also reviewed past comments from Jim Myers and don't know whether this is just his pattern or whether there is some inside joke that I am missing. I guess I will crawl under a rock now and start studying.
The evolution of technology is real! I guess Huxley's "Brave New World" came to life.
I think there is some debate about how effective UV light is on a virus.
Jim Myers -3
The only "debate" is whether your sick, warped, incompetent mind should be allowed in public without a babysitter. Far-UVC kills virtually EVERYTHING that it comes in contact with. Go back to your MAGA rally and leave the important stuff to people that have functioning brains.


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