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Could Embraer Knock the Door of COMAC after Boeing Fiasco?

Seattle, Washington - The ending of joint venture talks between Boeing and Embraer over the acquisition of the Brazilian airframer's commercial aircraft division has triggered speculations over a potential COMAC - Embraer partnership. ( 기타...

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jbqwik 2
Rather, will COMAC knock on Embraer's door? I see a major tech access opportunity for China; Embraer has some serious engineering talent. China has previously shown -over and over- a determination to buy foreign technology. The same philosophy as Russia: Let someone else invest in the costly research then either buy or steal the work.

I'm sad because it seems to me yet another Boeing misguided decision. It's like Boeing management still can't get it right. I'm referring to the possibility of a government bailout which was originally floated. That deal would have given Boeing enough financial wiggle room to complete the Embraer deal. But, I believe (but can't verify) Boeing rejected this due to pressure surrounding share dilution and stock holder preservation.
China has the money and the ability to buy, so I agree, China is in the position that Boeing should have been. China won't hesitate if it means profit and market dominance for them. Boeing? Bad management means bad decisions and bad decisions have repercussions for years. :-(
linbb -7
I guess they could kick the door, rip it down or just Knock it down...……………...DUH


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