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United Airlines Announces International Route Expansion

United Airlines will add seven new routes from ORD, EWR, SFO, and IAD. EWR-DEL and SFO-BLR are new routes to India; New flights to Africa include EWR-JNB, IAD-ACC, and IAD-LOS. From Newark and Chicago, new routes were also added to Hawaii. ( 기타...

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Cold comfort to the 3,000 people losing their United jobs.
the question remains,will there be enough passengers flying to make these markets profitable???
I'm going with 'No!'.

I've got hundreds of thousands of Untied miles, and I'd actually rather let them expire than use them to fly on that airline.
must know something? requests for reservations up???
'Tone deaf airline increases routes to areas of the planet with increasing numbers of COVID infections'

darjr26 1
Don’t forget Ebola.
Oh, come on, if you are going to try to slam me, show some style! Marburg! Use your imagination. Good grief.
user3956 1
and HIV/AIDS if we're going to 'go there'...
Herpes? HPV? MAGA is a brain wasting virus too. It's been proven!

If television is the 'opiate of the masses', reality TV is the crystal meth of the masses for sure. Hands down!


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