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Canada isn't ruling out taking a stake in Canadian airlines: Leblanc

The Canadian government isn't ruling out the possibility of taking a stake in Canadian airlines, like WestJet and Air Canada, as ministers consider how to help the sector in its struggles amid the COVID-19 pandemic. Intergovernmental Affairs Minister Dominic Leblanc confirmed the possibility during an interview with CTV Question Period Host Evan Solomon, airing Sunday. During the interview, Solomon pointed out that in a bid to save their own airlines, Germany took at 20-per-cent stake in… ( 기타...

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lbelzil 3
That’s a nifty trick. Kill an industry with excessive restrictions so you can re-nationalize it. Within 5 years the airlines, railroads, pipelines and oil and gas industries will be nationalized in Canada. Watch.
I’m not sure taking a stake in an industry that traditionally over loses money will do much, however, if the government purchased some of the new aircraft on the order books and leased them back to the airline (s) at least there would be collateral to fall back on?


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