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ATC marriage proposal facillatated by pilot.

Air Traffic Controller makes Marriage Proposal live on Air - Feel good audio. ( 기타...

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That is so good. It was so moving. (I'm crying.) He did such a terrific job. Congratulations nameless Vancounver air traffic controller and his bride to be, Christine Waters in 25C on an Air Canada flight that he worked from the tower!
Toby Sharp 0
That was just about the coolest thing i've ever heard. Love that pilot! "well its never too late for anything, do it"
Alright, I'm stumped, pilots: how did he hand off the other traffic he was handling at the time? Very cool proposal, BTW.
Toby Sharp 0
Didn't seem too busy
Toby Sharp 0
He also asked that particular aircraft to switch to a different channel
biz jets 0
Originally posted in April 2006!!! Posted on Liveleak, youtube multiple times, airliners, and my guess it's somewhere in the old forums on flightaware. They are probably divorced by now!!!


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