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Wasp warning for aircraft operators in Australia: Check for mud

Mud daubers pose a danger to the pitot ports. Australia is issuing an alert. ( 기타...

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What you get for building on or near swamp lands!
And their nests are incredibly strong. The 'mud' sets up like concrete. Cleaning that stuff out of tubes, and ports has to be incredibly difficult. Making the planes so tall makes it hard to impossible to put covers on them for long down times between flights. Perhaps they need to start doing what private pilots do, cover them when the plane isn't flying. *shrug*

But man made the perfect spot for them to nest. It's not their fault...

Where I live, we have them, but not in huge numbers, but we also have wood boring wasps that eat their way into any exposed wood trim making nests deep inside the walls of our homes. They really like pine door moldings. I've got one door with two holes from those buggers.
We have them here in FL. Shocking how firm the material is, difficult to clean and oddly heavy. No Masters Degree needed for nature to have its creatures build incredible structures...even small ones.
Interesting feedback. Thanks for sharing.
Birgenair Flight 301 in 1996.



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