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Rear-engine jets: Why airlines no longer use rear-engine planes

Back in those days, regional airports didn't have a lot of the ground support equipment we now take for granted. The belt loaders that take luggage into the hold, air bridges that get us between the aircraft and the terminal, the air start units that fire up the engines and plenty more wasn't around outside of the bigger international airports. Baggage had to be loaded on board the aircraft from a truck or even from a wheeled cart. ( 기타...

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Delta and most of the Regionals would like a word with the headline writer lol.
LOL... I agree... I was wondering about that... I guess the writer is totally unaware of the 717 and the CRJ's... I might be able to understand the 717, but how can you miss a CRJ?
Journalism is dead!
We Have Journalism????


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