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Brawl, Exploding Cell Phone on Flight Leads to Emergency Landing

A Southwest Airlines flight was forced to make an emergency landing when a brawl broke out in the air on Wednesday, and a phone reportedly "exploded." It's the latest in a long string of passenger-related incidents to occur on Southwest planes this year. A flight from Dallas to Fort Lauderdale on Wednesday was diverted to Pensacola, Florida to let off two passengers, an unidentified man and a woman traveling together who allegedly got into a scuffle. What triggered the fight is… ( 기타...

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Typical of the "Walmart" of airlines Southwest!
WRONG!!! South West Is a First Class Airline
I'd much rather be a cargo pilot these days..
ADXbear 3
Costly cell phone! But I wonder how the guy feels today... how hard was he beat to make a call phone start smoking! Lol..
Tim Dyck 1
Is it something in the water? Or have people just gone mad because of the pandemic? These incidents used to be so rare and now are in the news almost daily. There must be a reason...


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