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NASA moves two astronauts off delayed Boeing missions to SpaceX in rare reassignment

NASA moved a pair of astronauts off Boeing’s first two crewed missions, in a rare reassignment as the aerospace giant’s Starliner capsule remains delayed in development. Astronauts Nicole Mann and Josh Cassada will be the commander and pilot, respectively, of SpaceX’s Crew-5 mission in fall 2022. Boeing has yet to announce a new target date for its uncrewed OFT-2 mission, which represents a redo of the first Starliner flight test that did not reach the space station in December 2019. ( 기타...

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ADXbear 1
This is news? Delayed missions, moving crews Around depends on the mission needs and special training.. its not that rare.. the public just don't see what happens in early planning as things are fluid.
mbrews 1
If one looks deeper into the story, two facts show up.. First, the crew members are from astronaut classes of 2009 and 2013, respectively. And second, both are space newbies, i.e. have never experienced spaceflight.

Even after training 3+ years !! for the snake-bit Boeing spacecraft, NASA has (wisely) chosen to give these 2 rookies space experience on a Dragon flight.

IMO, this works in the crew's favor, lest they hit retirement age as space rookies waiting for Boeing to fumble along from one preventable mishap to another.


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